Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Elder Cox's Ninth and Final Letter As Finance Secretary

Hey family and friends, 

So this week was a pretty eventful week.  Sunday I started having a little pain in my mouth.  So I popped a few Ibuprofens and thought that would be good.  I figured hey, I'll go to the dentist in a week or so when i have time.  My teeth thought otherwise.  Sunday night I was up all night with the pain.  I think I popped 15 Ibuprofens that night without any success.  I was up all night.  My poor comp, at like 2 in the morning I woke him up asking for a blessing.  He is a heavy sleeper, so it took a little bit. Haha. Monday I was able to go see the dentist, but she wasn't sure if it was going to be a root canal and wanted a 2nd opinion from the endodontist.  Well I got some other pain killers, but nothing seemed to work.  Wednesday came around when my appointment was with the endodontist.  He goes yup, that is a root canal you are going to need.  And the tooth above is dead also.  But we wont be doing anything to it right now.  We will leave it and see if this does the job.  If it doesnt then you might need a 2nd root canal.  Oh, boy! I thought.  Well I had already had 1 root canal by the endodontist, and trusted him.  The 2nd was quite similar.  Just this one was 10x more painful.  It sure felt good when it was all over and I could sleep that night. :)  So if anyone decides to get some pretty good and relatively cheap dental work, they should stop by Mexico.  It really is kinda nice.  I might have to just make it a habit to visit the dentists office more often here because i enjoyed it so much. Haha.  i'm just glad that I found a good place to get the work done where I trust them. But still there is nothing like home. Haha.

Well besides that I really have been in the offices everyday all day this week.  I was trying to finish up everything that needed to be done before I pass off the baton to the next guy.  There is quite a bit to do. And then my trainee didn't come into the office yesterday.  So I'm trying to train him on everything in 1 or 2 days when normally it should be 2 to 3 weeks.  Haha.  Well, he will have to hit the ground running. Good luck. I think that is why President put me close by.  (Editor's note: Elder Cox is referring to the fact that his new area which he was just moved to is close by the Mission office)  I'm white washing an area right next to this last area I just had.  That means that the 2 missionaries that were there will both have changes and I will be going in there with another missionary that doesn't know the area either.   We will just work our little tails off. haha.  But it should be an interesting experience.  I'm up for the challenge.  The branch can use a little help. It'll be fun working with a branch again.  I like branches.  They are just so much fun. President Jordan told me that if he hadn't remembered that the next secretary of finances would need my help he would have sent me to the outskirts of the mission in one of the branches.  It is called the Huasteca zone.  I would have loved to go out there.  I think I will be finishing up my mission out there.  I hope.

That is about it with me.  I really will have more next week.  I'm hoping that now that I'm leaving the offices, I will have more teaching opportunities.  And next week will be more spiritual. 

I love you all.  And thank you for all your prayers and kind words. 

Elder James Cox

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